Tips To Getting Whiter Teeth Now

Most people want to have white, healthy looking teeth. There are various methods you can apply to prevent yellowing teeth. Methods for whitening your teeth also exist. By using the tips conveyed in this article, you can make your teeth whiter and then keep them that way.

Lemons and oranges give you Vitamin C, but they can also whiten your teeth. You can get a sparkly white smile by taking a piece of lemon or orange peel and using the back of it to rub your teeth. Add a little salt to get better results when you use an orange peel or lemon peel.

Stay away from wine, cigarettes and coffee. Each of these substances can cause stubborn stains to form on your teeth. If these products are part of your life and you don’t want to change that, then at least brush your teeth after you use them. Many companies have created mini tooth brushing products that are compact and can be discarded after use. The abrasive texture scrubs your teeth clean.

If you are considering a teeth whitening procedure, you should be aware that it only works on natural teeth. Artificial surfaces will not be affected by teeth whitening agents. Artificial surfaces are solid and will not absorb the whitening gels, pastes or liquids. Any dental work you have had done will remain the same color, while your natural teeth will lighten.

Mix baking soda with peroxide for an easy to make at home teeth whitening toothpaste. Use this mixture to brush your teeth for up to ten minutes. Using too much force when brushing your teeth can cause irritation of the gums or even bleeding.

Red wine is a drink that can negatively impact the way that your teeth look. Your teeth’s enamel absorbs the deep hues of the wine, discoloring them in the process. Slowing down your red wine intake or stopping entirely is really the only solution.

As you have just read about in the above article, you shouldn’t have a bad look, because your teeth are not the whitest they can be. You will feel more confident, and you will smile all of the time when you use these tips.

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